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          Each of the selections has timeless moral value and presented in an easy-to-read format, suitable for readers of any age.
          Each of the selections has timeless moral value and presented in an easy-to-read format, suitable for readers of any age.
          Each of the selections has timeless moral value and presented in an easy-to-read format, suitable for readers of any age.
          Each of the selections has timeless moral value and presented in an easy-to-read format, suitable for readers of any age.
          Each of the selections has timeless moral value and presented in an easy-to-read format, suitable for readers of any age.
          Each of the selections has timeless moral value and presented in an easy-to-read format, suitable for readers of any age.
          Each of the selections has timeless moral value and presented in an easy-to-read format, suitable for readers of any age.
          Each of the selections has timeless moral value and presented in an easy-to-read format, suitable for readers of any age.
          Each of the selections has timeless moral value and presented in an easy-to-read format, suitable for readers of any age.
          Told in a gentle and lighthearted way, the stories are beautifully illustrated and full of adorable characters that children will love.
          Told in a gentle and lighthearted way, the stories are beautifully illustrated and full of adorable characters that children will love.
          The classic tale from Rudyard Kipling's infamous "Just So Stories" receives a new breath of life in this stunning edition.
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